testing the look


why do we keep talking about this and that when there is so much else to talk about.

Seeing light and the subject or one can say - light in relation to the subject or vice versa plays a much more crucial role as compared to the camera. Having an expensive camera or a lens does not make you a better photographer. it's the vision that matters the most.

Actually, besides seeing light, you need to be good at seeing. Anyone can take a photograph but when you talk about taking a good photograph, it’s all about seeing not just the light but your complete subject. What to shoot? How much to show are important questions that decide if the photograph is good. That’s the difference between a good Photograph and a snapshot. The content.

Once you are able to take a good Photograph, a costly ( or good ) camera or a lens may make your shooting easier or more convenient but not that a costly camera by itself will create good photographs. You may have the most expensive camera or lens with you along with eventually the experience of handling it, but if you do not have the aesthetic sense of seeing, composing, framing, spontaneity and an understanding of your subject, be it an object or a person, You cannot take a good photograph. You can just click a picture. so there is a lot more to it than just clicking. Think beyond the equipment.



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